Case Study – PPC Ad Management for Podiatrist

Podiatrist PPC Case Study

A leading podiatry clinic in Long Island leveraged Google Ads to enhance its online visibility. Within a span of 6 months, they aimed for and surpassed a goal to boost patient bookings by 30%.


  • Keyword Mastery: Identification and targeting of high-demand keywords such as “advanced foot care” and “ankle specialists Long Island”.
  • Geo-Targeting: Focusing the ads to capture potential patients in and around Long Island.
  • Engaging Ad Creation: Crafted compelling ads that communicated the clinic’s advanced treatments and commitment to patient care.
  • Landing Page Optimization: Customized landing page to convert visitors into potential patients by showcasing benefits and unique offerings.


Conversion Rate
Rise in Bookings
  • Achieved an impressive 8% click-through rate from the ads.
  • Successfully attained a 12% conversion rate from the landing page visits.
  • The clinic didn’t just meet but exceeded its goal, witnessing a 50% rise in patient bookings.
  • Realized a staggering 900% ROI from their investment in Google Ads.


The case underscores the transformative potential of well-strategized Google Ads campaigns for specialized medical practices. Even in niche domains like podiatry, digital marketing can offer immense growth opportunities when executed correctly.

The clinic’s success is a testament to the power of targeting the right audience with the right message and optimizing user experience through effective landing pages.

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