Site Retargeting: Re-Engage Lost Leads
Engage with visitors you may have otherwise lost with a whole new level of reach and insight.
Did you know that around 98% of consumers will leave your website without becoming a lead? What if you could capture more of those contacts and business?
With Business Nucleus’s Site Retargeting platform, you can re-engage lost leads.
Site retargeting engages users who have previously visited your website by retargeting them with ads on other sites they are visiting. Site retargeting is highly effective in boosting conversions of previous visitors into purchasers.
With our elemental-level site-retargeting capabilities, you can get bidding, reports, and optimization down to granular data elements, such as; categories, pages viewed, or products.
Business Nucleus Advantages
Increase your ROI: With our bidding, analytics, and optimization built at the element level. Business Nucleus site retargeting outperforms lesser detailed segment campaigns.
Scalability: Deliver the right ads at the right time and place. Business Nucleus gives access to all major inventory exchanges. Enabling your business to capitalize on the delivery of your retargeting campaigns. Deliver the right ads at the right time and place.
Audience Curation: With our analytics and reporting you can understand the search and site visit behaviors of your existing customers. Using that data you can target new prospects browsing or searching the web that have similar behaviors to your current client base.