Case Study – Facebook Ad Management for NHU

NHU Facebook Ad Case Study

Achieving Efficiency and Accuracy


The project posed several challenges:

Ad Spend Reduction: NHU needed to lower ad spend without compromising results.
Data Accuracy: Conversion API was not functioning initially, leading to data discrepancies.
Event Tracking: Ensuring that Facebook events aligned with NHU’s systems.
Conversion Event Issues: An incorrect conversion event was firing post-application submission.



Business Nucleus USA devised a comprehensive strategy to address these challenges:

Ad Spend Optimization: Ads with CPL above $15 were immediately removed, significantly reducing ad spend while maintaining campaign effectiveness.

Data Accuracy: STAPE.IO was installed to correct data inaccuracies caused by the non-functioning Conversion API.

Event Tracking: Detailed screen shares were conducted to ensure proper event tracking setup, leading to Facebook confirming data accuracy.

Conversion Event Correction: The incorrect conversion event found in the website code was identified and removed.


Campaign Efficiency
Applications Submitted

Balanced Performance:

While the average number of registrations saw a slight decline compared to August averages, the number of applications submitted remained steady. The most significant achievement was the dramatic reduction in costs, enhancing overall campaign efficiency.


Business Nucleus USA’s partnership with NHU significantly improved their Facebook ad campaign.

By strategically reducing ad spend, correcting data accuracy issues, and optimizing event tracking, NHU achieved substantial cost savings and maintained a consistent level of webinar registrations and attendees. As a Meta Business Partner, Business Nucleus made experienced ROI improvements for NHU’s Facebook Ad Campaign.

This successful collaboration underscores the importance of data-driven marketing strategies and continuous campaign optimization, ultimately improving efficiency and effectiveness in digital advertising efforts.

Facebook Ads Agency
Facebook Meta Business Partner
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